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Dongguk University WISE, educational internationalization competency certification university sign hanging ceremony held.

등록일 2024.04.23. 작성자 관리자 조회 555
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Dongguk University WISE was designated as a new certified university for both degree programs and language training courses in the 2023 Education Internationalization Competency Certification System, and the certification period is two years from March 2024 to February 2026.




The ‘Education Internationalization Competency Certification System’ is a system implemented by the Ministry of Education to expand the attraction of excellent foreign students and improve the internationalization capabilities of domestic students.


The Ministry of Education selects universities with excellent internationalization capabilities through evaluations in the areas of 'illegal residence rate', 'strategy and selection', 'international student support', and 'international student management and performance', and grants various policy benefits to certified universities. We are conducting quality control in the field of internationalization.


Ryu Wanha, President of Dongguk University WISE, said, “As a university certified for educational internationalization capabilities since March of this year, we have been participating in government and We are pursuing various national projects in cooperation with local governments. In response to the declining school-age population and regional crisis, we will strive to play a role as a glocal university by attracting and educating excellent foreign students.”