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  • Department of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineering
  • Department of Energy and Electrical Engineering
  • Department of Automotive Materials and Components Engineering

Department of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineering

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Undergraduate Program

It aims to foster 'SMART IoER (Smarter) technology experts' beyond IoT in the 4th industrial revolution. The focus is on education to learn and utilize practical technologies that are demand-oriented for industries. With an understanding of innovative technologies in the era of the 4th Industrial Revolution, we can develop our ability to design and implement SW/HW systems based on the latest ICT flows and solve related problems appropriately. You can grow into a professional person who can plan and develop smart IoT systems that become core technologies in the rapidly changing future.


Name Position Picture Major Final degree school E-mail
Ik-Hyeon Jang Professor

Ik-Hyeon Jang

Computer Network Ph.D., KAIST. ihjang@dongguk.ac.kr
Yoon-Seok Nam Professor

Yoon-Seok Nam

Communication System Ph.D. KyungpookNational Univ. ysnam@dongguk.ac.kr
Bup-Joo Kang Professor

Bup-Joo Kang

Wireless Communication Ph.D. Yonsei Univ. bjkang@dongguk.ac.kr
Yu-Jin Jang Professor

Yu-Jin Jang

Automatic control Ph.D. POSTECH season@dongguk.ac.kr
Sang-Woo Ban Professor

Sang-Woo Ban

Digital Signal Processing Ph.D. KyungpookNational Univ. swban@dongguk.ac.kr


Artificial Intelligence Programming Practice 1, Artificial Intelligence Programming Practice 2, Basic Design of Electronic Communication, Circuit theory, Object-oriented programming, Logical Circuit Design and Experiment, Advanced Programming and Practice, Electronic Information and Communication Engineering Major Career Search, Engineering programming, Signals and systems, Data structure and practice, Microprocessor and practice, Communication theory, Data communication, Computer system configuration, Mobile software, Database application, Digital wireless communication, computer network, Network programming element design, Digital System Design and Experiment, Software Engineering, Electronic Information and Communication Engineering Field Practice 1, Intelligent digital signal processing, Communication System Experiment, IoT Design and Experiment, Introduction to Cloud Computing, Seminar on Electronic Information and Communication Engineering, Comprehensive ICT design 1, Embedded Systems Applications and Practice, Information security and application, Comprehensive ICT Design 2, Electronic Information and Communication Engineering Field Practice 2

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