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금장생활관 사진


Our university currently has 6 buildings of well furnished dormitories with 1,700 beds and operates a dedicated building for international students (Yeonhwa-dong) for systematic management and support of international students

Link to Dormitory homepage

International Students only Dormitory

  • All international students are granted the right to enter the dormitory without competition
  • Newly enrolled students are required to take mandatory admission program for the first semester to adapt Korean life and university life, to prevent safety accidents and purpose of stay.
  • Operation of a regular counseling center: Counseling guidance teacher for each language
  • Operation of Dormitory Mentor System: 24-hour emergency contact network in each language
  • Flexible closing time operation: Part-time job consideration
  • Joint Cooking Room

Dormitory structure

  • out side view

  • Inside View

Dormitory structure

  • Kitchen

  • Resting Room

  • Computer Room

  • Study Room

  • 담당부서


  • 연락처