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Division of Buddhist Studies

Major in Buddhist Studies

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Undergraduate Program

The Major in Buddhist Studies systematically educates students on the theory and history of Buddhism, so that they can understand the universal values of Buddhism, cultivate character, and enable students to find and fulfill their roles in society.

Graduate Program

The graduate school of Buddhism aims to study the theory and history of Buddhism, as well as to study how to apply Buddhism in the present society.


Name Position Picture Major Final degree school E-mail
Jungi Jung Professor

Jungi Jung

Seon Dongguk University eugene2113@hanmail.net
Yanggyu An Associate professor

Yanggyu An

Early Buddhism Oxford University an1313@dongguk.ac.kr
Youngjin Kim Associate professor

Youngjin Kim

Chinese Buddhism Dongguk University 1722dew@hanmail.net
Jongdo KIM Assistant professor

Jongdo KIM

Chinese Seon Dongguk University daijikan@hanmail.net
Gilam Seok Associate professor

Gilam Seok

Korean Buddhism Dongguk University huayen@naver.com


Understanding of Buddhist Studies, Rituals and Rites in Buddhist Sangha, Theory of Practice for Buddhist Shanga, Early Buddhist Texts, Early Buddhism, The History of Religions of the World, History of Indian Buddhism, History of Chinese Buddhism, Guided Reading Chinese Buddhist Texts, Introduction to Mahayana Buddhism, Introduction to Buddhism in English, Guided Reading Jogye Order's Main Texts, Korean Buddhism, Religion and Science, History of Chan School in China, Mādhyamika Philosophy, The Way of Seon Practice, Guided Reading the Seon Records, Religions in Korea, History of Korean Seon Thoughts, Psychology of Religion, Tien-Tai Studies, Buddhist Epistemology, Philosophy of Religion, Religions in Modern Society, Internship of Buddhist Studies1, Buddhist Counselling and Psychology, Buddhist Ethics, Avatamsaka Studies, Languages for Studying Buddhist Original Texts, Topics on Seon literature, Internship of Buddhist Studies2, Internship of Buddhist Studies3, Internship of Buddhist Studies4, Educational Theory of Religion, Logic and Writing of Religion, Methodology of Research on the Teaching Materials and Way of Instruction of Religion