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Division of Glocal Innovation Engineering

Major in Automotive Materials and Components Engineering

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Undergraduate Program

The department of automotive materials and components engineering aims to cultivate human resources with creative technology, ethical service spirit, and international sense. It changed to a subject suitable for eco-friendly automotive technology rather than the existing internal combustion engine automotive parts technology. It will focus on Training of high-tech human resources such as artificial intelligence and automation programs necessary for the development of the fourth industry


Name Position Picture Major Final degree school E-mail
Han Seon-gik Associate Professor

Han Seon-gik

Control Engineering Ph.D. Pusan Univ. skhan@dongguk.ac.kr
Jeon Dong hyup Professor

Jeon Dong hyup

Thermanl Engineeing Ph. D. Seoul Univ. Jeondh@dongguk.ac.kr
Kim Byung moon Professor

Jeon Dong hyup

Fluid Engineering Ph. D. Hukuoka Univ. kbm713@dongguk.ac.kr
Hong Sung-Ho Assistant Professor

Jeon Dong hyup

Tribology   hongsh@dongguk.ac.kr


Engineering mathematics, Electricity and electronics engineering, Engineering programming, Automotive materials engineering, Basic automotive design, Experiment of high-technical material for automotive, Solving a central problem of the linked tasks for local companies, Analysis of forming process, Innovation of materials for future automotive, Robot control practice, Machine manufacturing system, Factory automation programming, Product development design, Carbon materials manufacturing engineering, Forming simulation practice, Automobile electronic component engineering, AI-based product inspection, Robot applied machining work, Working-level smart factory design, Job ability development capstone design, Corporate bottleneck technology capstone design, Forming process center practice, Carbon recycling practice, Company Field Training Ⅰ,Ⅱ